I found my knitting has reached new levels today. I was knitting a Tychus hat and reading the Yarn Harlots blog and laughing (her writing tends to do that to me I love her style) and I suddenly saw that two rows back I had managed to knit a row of purls. An entire row of purls in a hat that doesn't call for any purls at all. And the most amazing fact is that I hate purling. How had my fingers then suddenly decided to purl on their own? Maybe my subconsciousness is trying to tell me that purls are not that bad. That I shouldn't ignore beautiful patterns just because they include a ridiculous amount of purling. At least this tells me my knitting is in an automatic overdrive where I really don't think about my knitting at all. Thats good in a way because there are a lot of holiday knitting to be done and I just have to find other ways to occupy my mind with while knitting. Like planning the next knitting.
The holiday gift account so far is; 1 ribbed hat, 1,5 tychus hats, 2 pairs of mittens, 2 crown hats, 1 childs triangular shawl, 1 pair of socks (ok, breathe, I didn't knit it all in a couple of days at least 3 things on the list I found in my gift box.)
onsdag 11. november 2009
Automatic knitting
Posted by
mandag 9. november 2009
Julegaver presents in making
This heap of yarn is turning into mittens and hats. But they are christmas gifts so I cant show them... But the list so far is: 1 pair of socks, 1 pair of mittens...
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søndag 13. september 2009
I just made a pirate hat for my son in blue and white. My brother (in the picture) is a member in an offroad club called Pirate 4x4 and loved the hat. So I customized it to that purpouse. I have made one more in black and green if more in his club want them. And now my little girl asked for one with crowns on in stead of skulls. So I'm knitting hats, hats, hats...
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fredag 4. september 2009
strikket gardin, knitted curtain
This is my latest project in the twilight. I have å small window in my bedroom and I wanted a curtain that didn't flutter and fly and yet was organic and living. The result is here. I knitted it in wool yarn, Safir, embroidery floss, handspun linen and faerytale from Du store alpakka. It's knitted from the middle and out and in the round. I increased 8 stitches every other round i spaced the increases to four corners and knitted two stitches in between two yarnovers. The total stitch count is about 65 stitches to a side and the window is about 60 cm wide. The curtain looks totally different in daylight, I'll try to get a picture of that too.
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torsdag 3. september 2009
jayne hatt oppskrift
Jeg har fått etterlyst mønster på jayne hatten min så her kommer den. Hvis dere er på ravelry er det mange andre oppskrifter på den der spesielt på engelsk. Gøy å høre at det er andre Firefly fans i Norge..
Jayne lue
Garn: Topp t’ tå Gjestal, 1 nøste gul, 1 nøste orange, 1 nøste rød.
Pinne: sokkepinner nr 6 og event rundpinne nr 6
Legg opp 8m på sokkepinnene to på hver pinne med gult garn. Strikk rundt en om. Neste omgang er øke omg strikk 1 maske rett, plukk opp tråd mellom m fra forrige omg og strikk vr rett. Gjenta dette ut omg. Dvs du øker 8 masker på en omg. Strikk slik med en omg rett og en øke omg annenhver gang til du har 72 m på pinnene. Strikk en maske mer mellom økningene hver gang. Dvs at siste omgang med økning er strikk 8 rett, øk en.
Strikk rett i 5 omg til med gult og bytt så til orange. Fortsett å stikke rett med denne fargen.
Når luen måler 19 cm går du over til å strikke 1 r 1 vr i 5 omg.
Fell av og lag øreklaffer slik:
Start midt bak: Fell av 7m, strikk 14 m rett, fell av 30 m strikk 14m rett, fell av resterende 7m.
Øreklaffene strikkes slik:
Str rett på retten, strikk første og siste m rett på vrangen resten vrangt i 15 omganger.
Strikk så 1 rett, to vr sammen, 8m vr, 2 vr sammen, 1 rett.
Strikk 1 omg rett,
på vrangen felles igjen 1 rett, 2 vr sm, 6m vr, 2 vr sammen, 1 rett.
1 omg rett
1 rett, 2 vr sm, 4m vr, 2 vr sammen, 1 rett.
1 omg rett
Fell av resten av m. rett av fra vrangen. Knyt fast tråder i endene av øreklaffene og sy inn trådene i luen. Lag en stor dusk som du syr fast i toppen.
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tirsdag 26. mai 2009
Spinnerens hjem swap
Jeg har fått en flott pakke fra Karin i Danmark. Jeg fikk 100g bleket lin, nydelige knapper som macher det flotte håndspunne garnet av bfl og silke og 50 g kashmir! Dette var helt supert og jeg gleder meg masse til å spinne og strikke av dette! Det er utrolig moro å bytte ting slik og jeg har sendt av gårde en pakke til Karin også. Håper hun liker det.
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torsdag 26. mars 2009
Ufoer inn for landing
Vi har en konkuranse på Hobbyboden for tiden. Første del handlet om å gjøre ferdig ufoer. Her er hva jeg gjorde:Det blir premier fra Du store alpakka og Mauds garn. Nå er vi inne i del to og skal lage nye prosjekter etter poeng beregning. Jeg har strikket pannebånd til nå og skal til å starte lue i løpet av dagen.
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onsdag 18. mars 2009
Fiber Swap
We had a fiber swap at Spinnershome I got a beautiful packet from Knitacia : Super kid mohair, A batt of red BFL, and two colors of alpaca and a blue batt with merino bamboo and angelina. I also got the Wildfibers magazine and a tea I have never tried before. Thanks for a wonderful packet.
Vi har hatt en fiber swap på Spinnerenshjem Jeg fikk en flott pakke fra Knitacia. Det var Super Kid mohair, Et rødt kardeflak med BFL og to typer alpakka, et blått kardeflak av merino, bambus og angelina, jeg fikk også bladet wildfibers og en spennede ny te. Tusen takk for flott pakke!
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Mystisk gave/ Mystery gift
A week ago a gift dropped in my mailbox, this beautiful sock yarn. I have no idea who sent it, the post stamp told me it's sent in Norway, but nothing more. But to whoever sent it THANKS! I love it.
Jeg fikk en pakke i posten forige uke. Skikkelig mystisk, ingen avsender, postet i norge men ikke mer info. Men uansett hvor den kommer fra. Tusen takk! Det er et kjempefint nøste opal!
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tirsdag 10. februar 2009
January socks and update all along
I'm in a ravelry sock along. Theese are my January socks. It's the Brigid pattern from Goddess knits.
I have also knitted a Jayne hat. It's a hat inspired from the tv series Firefly, spacefiction you know, 500 years to the future and they still knit hats, you gotta love that:)I'm also working on a dress/ skirt for me and a sweater to my daughter and a fish hat.
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fredag 2. januar 2009
Spinning the 2008
On Spinners home we got a lottery where the ticket is to write about our spinning year and progress. so here is my ticket. Spinners home is a scandinavian forum for all spinners, we write in Norvegian, Svedish and Danish, but we have members from Finland too. It's becoming a fine site, with lots of tips and sharing of spinning joy. Come and wisit us.
Well back to my spinning year. In 2008 I have spun lots of yarn in both different fibers, different tools and at different sites. I have a Louet s 45 and she is my best tool for spinning. She has travelled with me on holiday and to knitters meets. My spindle collection is slowly growing too. I got two new lace weight spindles from Allena at Spindle and wheel. But I'm most proud of my self made all wooden hooked spindle.
I made it to use at Viking occations and I have found it to be useable both to spin thicker yarn and lace thin too. The ability to spin so thin on it supprised me, it's not a light weight spindle. But I spun sewing thread thin yarn form Gotlands får lambs wool on it. My favourite spindle is still my Bosworth midi in birch. It goes with me everywhere, and usually produses quite even and thin yarn.
My favourite fiber experiences this year are the earlier mentioned Gotlands får lamb fiber bought at Hornborre viking marked and merino from Spinnulla. But my favourite wool ever is stille BFL. I have lots of samples waiting to be washed and spun. Rhonna got them for me, and I look forward to try them out so thats my big thing this year to try all the different fibres I can get my hands on and systematically write down what I think aobut them. I'm also going to get more spindles, to use at viking markeds so they have to look the part.
I suddely realized that I havent used my hand spun yarn for almost anything this year. I have been content to just watch it and make it. I now have a stash of home made yarn. So I guess I have to think about using it this year. I also have a little fiber stash. mostly unwashed norvegian lambs wool in white. I'm going to wash, card and spin most of that before summer, as I hope to sell the yarn at viking markeds this summer.
I mentioned earlier that I have spun at lot's of different locations, I guess that warrants some explaning. I have spun at home of course ;) but I have also had my spindles with me on travel. I have been as far north as Rennebu. I was there as a viking at a big craft fair. I have been as far south as Kristiansand, spun at the zoo there. I have also been as far east as Finland, me and the kids went on summer holiday there to my best friend, and a spinlde was with me of cource. The most fun I think is spinning when travelling to school in Oslo. It's an hours train journey and I have spun several yarns I call NSB yarn, NSB being our train company for short. I always get smiles and questions when I spin when waiting for the train.
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