Just a quick note to tell you whats happening. We are moving. I know I have told you before. But this time I have pictures....
This is where we live now: its a 65 m2 appartment with two bedrooms.This is where we are moving, its a whole house with a garden and 4 bedrooms. I am so looking forward to this. The move has already started about half of my things are in the new house but we still live in the appartment.
Two more weeks then I guess there will be two weeks of unpacking and so on. We should be done by christmas. I hope. The living between two places is taking a lot of energy. I feel like sitting in a rollercoster just before the big hill. Nothing I can do now but all the more next week. As my health isn't keeping up with all this; my bilateral plantar fasciitis is flaring up... But when we get thru this I can get some rest. My net life is a bit unexisting right now included blogging. I promise to come back with power and lots of new ideas and patterns and crafts...
Til alle nordiske lesere! Det har blitt startet et nordisk spinneforum på spinnershome.net
Kom å se da vel!
lørdag 24. november 2007
Posted by
mandag 5. november 2007
Spinning update
I haven't showed lots of spinning on this blog lately, I have be spinning though. Here's a pic of some of the yarn I have spun to a flame project I'm making, this is merino wool I got from spindle and wheel Allena has dyed it for me. It's 2 ply and a bit uneven, but still, thats fine for flame patterns isn't it? Heres a close up:
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fredag 2. november 2007
Life goes on... even after exams
I delivered my exam paper today. It is a part of my masters degree in nursing. The exam was about theories and values in nursingsciense. Sounds fun doesn't it? Well, anyways it's done. The grade comes ticking inn on the 23. In the mean time we move on to research methods. That sounds like something for me, more than the theories anyways.
All, blog things and patterns has been on hold, now I feel life starts up again now. I now have one appartment to empty, one house to empty and move in to. Hm, still lots to do... At least my spinning is going well. Promise pictures soon.
By the way I only have two friends in Pay It Forward, so I wish for one more.
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