Summer has officially started! Yesterday we started with 14 C temperature at 8 in the morning, so summer is here. We celebrated by going swimming in the afternoon. Well the kids swam, I don't swim unless the water temperature is at least 18C and I'm sure it's no where near that yet. But the air was a real summer temperature at about 25C in the afternoon. I get really tired when the temperature gets so high so fast, I'll adapt to it later in the summer I'm sure. But now I just relax and take my time with things.
torsdag 20. mai 2010
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lørdag 20. februar 2010
Winter life
I wanted to share my world with you today. We went on an expedition. Well at least it felt like it. When I looked out my kitchen window today it looked like this:
I planned to stay in all day, but when it came to dinner time I quickly understood that we had to brave the winter outside. This is what met us when we managed to get the front door open (after having put on lots and lots of woolly items)
The dark blue car you almost see in the second picture is mine. We had to dig it out, but it wasn’t too bad as the tractor had removed the snow right behind it and all the way to the main road. But before we could get to the car we had to find the stairs. I put my kids to work, child labor, but really they like the snow better than I ever have and if I can’t knit with my arm I shouldn’t shovel snow right?
Here is my 9 year old son hard at work ( his little sister is waiting to carry the trash out when he is finished):
so we made it to the store and bought so much food that we won’t have to move outside for several days. (What do you mean it’s Monday soon and I have to drive the kids to school, I’m not leaving the house I tell you. Well maybe I have to get them to school, we have never had closed schools because of winter weather…) Oh and did you know we have a record here now with 64 consecutive days of snow on the ground, and I live in the most southern region of Norway. If I only could knit when staying inside, at least my arm is feeling better, there is hope for more knitting soon.
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lørdag 9. januar 2010
onsdag 11. november 2009
Automatic knitting
I found my knitting has reached new levels today. I was knitting a Tychus hat and reading the Yarn Harlots blog and laughing (her writing tends to do that to me I love her style) and I suddenly saw that two rows back I had managed to knit a row of purls. An entire row of purls in a hat that doesn't call for any purls at all. And the most amazing fact is that I hate purling. How had my fingers then suddenly decided to purl on their own? Maybe my subconsciousness is trying to tell me that purls are not that bad. That I shouldn't ignore beautiful patterns just because they include a ridiculous amount of purling. At least this tells me my knitting is in an automatic overdrive where I really don't think about my knitting at all. Thats good in a way because there are a lot of holiday knitting to be done and I just have to find other ways to occupy my mind with while knitting. Like planning the next knitting.
The holiday gift account so far is; 1 ribbed hat, 1,5 tychus hats, 2 pairs of mittens, 2 crown hats, 1 childs triangular shawl, 1 pair of socks (ok, breathe, I didn't knit it all in a couple of days at least 3 things on the list I found in my gift box.)
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mandag 9. november 2009
Julegaver presents in making
This heap of yarn is turning into mittens and hats. But they are christmas gifts so I cant show them... But the list so far is: 1 pair of socks, 1 pair of mittens...
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søndag 13. september 2009
I just made a pirate hat for my son in blue and white. My brother (in the picture) is a member in an offroad club called Pirate 4x4 and loved the hat. So I customized it to that purpouse. I have made one more in black and green if more in his club want them. And now my little girl asked for one with crowns on in stead of skulls. So I'm knitting hats, hats, hats...
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fredag 4. september 2009
strikket gardin, knitted curtain
This is my latest project in the twilight. I have å small window in my bedroom and I wanted a curtain that didn't flutter and fly and yet was organic and living. The result is here. I knitted it in wool yarn, Safir, embroidery floss, handspun linen and faerytale from Du store alpakka. It's knitted from the middle and out and in the round. I increased 8 stitches every other round i spaced the increases to four corners and knitted two stitches in between two yarnovers. The total stitch count is about 65 stitches to a side and the window is about 60 cm wide. The curtain looks totally different in daylight, I'll try to get a picture of that too.
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